Few credentials in the business world carry the value of SAP certification. Those who hold it have honed their skills through rigorous study or direct experience. They have demonstrated their abilities by passing demanding, process-oriented exams. Regardless of whether you are an SAP partner, customer, or user, SAP certification can give you a distinct competitive advantage. But there are four things you need to know what is expected from you before having a SAP Certification.
- Having domain knowledge is more important than certification.
- Ability to learn things very quickly is one more attribute. The most seasoned SAP consultants also don’t know all about their respective modules. So everyday is learning if you are handling projects in different domain/industry sectors.
- Having a certificate may be mandatory in certain companies to work as SAP consultant, but we haven’t really seen any of those requirements.
- Having a certificate may be a fetching point for permanent jobs as SAP analyst, we feel the benefit is negligible for SAP Contractors.
For more information on how SAP certification can put you on an accelerated career path, read on (PDF).
Sidhika is a computer technology professional, educator with experience in the information technology. She works in a multi-disciplinary role that combines IT Infrastructure, SAP Functional and Network Management. If you like this post, Please leave a comment.
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