SAP Note No. 520813 : When I create a goods receipt for a subcontract order, the system should explode the BOM in the background. If the components to be provided are in special stock O with batch, the BAPI returns error message M7018 'Please enter batch'. Can a batch number be transferred to the BAPI during the call?
You cannot transfer the batch for the component at the BAPI. Either the batch must already be specified in the purchase order, or you must set the batch determination in such a way that this runs in the background.
You cannot transfer 'Dummy' lines with the batches for the components to MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.
The BAPI uses function module MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT for the goods movement/posting. Just the 101 posting line, for example, is transferred to this function module. The individual components are not still known at this time, they are dynamically determined later and are proposed by function module ME_READ_COMP_GOODS_RECEIPT. Now the system notices that a component is to be handled in batches and requires a batch to be entered. For a dialog posting (transaction MIGO/MB01), you can enter a batch, however, when you use the BAPI the system displays the error 'Please enter a batch'.
The same technical restriction also applies for the batch input, and also when you use Transaction MIGO up to and including Release 4.6B (see note 213318)
Sidhika is a computer technology professional, educator with experience in the information technology. She works in a multi-disciplinary role that combines IT Infrastructure, SAP Functional and Network Management. If you like this post, Please leave a comment.
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